Traditionally a centurion was a Roman army officer who was in charge of a century, meaning 100 men. Because of his given command, a centurion was a figure of respect and authority in Rome’s legions.
There are four instances where centurions are listed in the New Testament, and two are even mentioned by name: Cornelius, who converted to Christianity in Caesarea (Acts 10), and Julius, the kindly centurion who escorted Paul and the other prisoners to Rome (Acts 27). The other two are the unnamed centurion who comes to Christ asking that his servant be healed (Matthew 8:5-13), and the centurion who stood at the foot of the Cross and said, “Truly this was the Son of God” (Matthew 27:54) during the crucifixion. By tradition, this last centurion is named Longinus, and soon after converted to Christianity himself.