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Parish Ministries

Adult Education classes generally run September through May during the course of the year. Dates and times would
be published in the Bulletin or Archangel. These classes teach, educate, and explain the myriad of elements which
make up our Holy Orthodox faith. Topics include Divine Liturgy and services, scriptures, Feast Days, and Theology.

Young men from the parish are selected to assist the priest during church services. Altar servers should have made their first confession.
These young boys are encouraged to continue their education in the Orthodox faith and become sub-deacons and readers within the church. Men from the church function as Sacristans, guiding and training the altar servers, as well as assisting the priest
during services. They help in maintaining order and cleanliness of the Sacristy/Altar areas.

The Parish Council is a group of elected parishioners who oversee the financial and daily secular activities of the church. This group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Members of the Parish Council are in charge and serve on various committees of the church.

St. Michael’s Book Club was originally formed within the last ten years under the guidance of Matushka Jani Memorich. There are no dues, and you can join at any time.

Nearly all original members remain today with several new faces joining us each year. We have about 20 members and nearly all join us every two months for our meetings. We hold them on or near the third Friday of the month at 7 pm. Generally, we meet in the church basement but have also met at a member’s home. On several occasions we have had an outing and gone to a movie depicting one of our books.

Typically, one or several of our members hosts a meeting, bringing treats and drink. We enjoy some fellowship and then sit down to discuss our book. Sometimes we have questions printed off and sometimes we simply discuss the book. Often our “historian” Pauline Mehalik will tell us about the history of the story and or the author which adds so much to the review of our book!

Each year the new book list emerges from our last meeting of the year. Everyone is invited to provide input and our choices are based on whether the majority likes the book. We have read everything from drama, crime, historical fiction, mystery, and romance. We have not yet attempted sci-fi at this point, but an argument could be made!

The beautiful and reverent responses in the Divine Liturgy and worship services of the church are an integral part of the experience of the Orthodox faith and we encourage the congregation to participate fully. All of the hymns and responses are a form of prayer, and the choir has a responsibility – first to God and the church and, second, to themselves – to be ever-growing spiritually, striving and desiring to become better singers, fulfilling their commitment by making their participation a priority.

The choir sings responses to Vespers and Divine Liturgy on Sundays and Holy days, as well as, weddings, Parastas, and funerals. Rehearsals vary, but are generally on Wednesday or Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. or as needed.

Young or old, dedicated participation is the only request the church and the choir makes of its members.

An important part of the Liturgical cycle of the church is the readings of scripture. The worship services of the Orthodox Church are resplendent with readings from the Psalms, the Old Testament, the Evangelists, and the New Testament and Epistles.  On Sunday, the Hours are read beginning fifteen minutes prior to the Divine Liturgy, and the Prokeimenon, Epistle, and Communion Prayer are read during the service.  No experience is necessary to become a Reader, as training will be provided. We particularly encourage young people to read the Hours before Divine Liturgy.

Our communications team is comprised of parishioners who are interested in the communications or marketing of our parish.

This group takes on projects that include Graphic Design, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc.), Website Development and all other areas in which the parish is “presented” to the general public.

Much like the Board of Trustees, our Hall Board is comprised of parishioners who have been appointed by the Board of Trustees and is responsible for overseeing the operations of Woodside Event Center.  Our Event Center Director manages the day-to-day operations, but reports directly to the Hall Board.

The Halos are for children ages toddler to 12 and their families. Siblings of all ages are welcome. The Halos meet the first Friday of each month and meet one Friday a month in the Gym, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. There are also fun, family-oriented outings sprinkled throughout the year.

Pre-teen was first organized in 1953 and has been a truly valuable tradition for many families. This group encourages friendships among our children and their parents. It promotes awareness of cultural heritage and the Orthodox faith through Russian dancing, plays, stories, and more. They have fun activities such as craft projects and games in the gym and also participate in service projects. Annual dues are $15 per child.

The Junior “R” Club is a youth group for ages 10-18. They engage in service projects and hold many fellowship activities. The children participate in various local and national basketball, bowling, and golf tournaments. Special events throughout the year include fundraisers, cleaning the church before Pascha, car washes, bake sales, etc.

The chapter is part of the Ohio District of the F.O.C.A. (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America), branch of the national F.O.C.A., which is an official organization of the O.C.A. (Orthodox Church in America). They generally meet 8 times a year on Sundays after Liturgy.

Key areas of focus, as identified and driven by parishioner feedback are parish elderly, parish youth, new membership, education, stewardship, and community involvement.

Some of the OUTREACH-sponsored efforts/events include (but are not limited to):

• Coordination of Lenten Meals Following Pre-Sanctified Liturgies: Parish organizations and individual parishioners are encouraged to sponsor and host a meal. Donations are collected and given to charity.

• “Archangel” Publication: Monthly parish newsletter. Volunteers are always needed to write articles and provide photos.

• Holiday Caroling: This youth-focused, half day event in December that begins with a pizza lunch, fun fellowship, and the decorating of our Youth Christmas Tree, directly followed by an afternoon of spirited caroling to shut-in parishioners at neighboring nursing homes. 

Prosphora bakers prepare and bake the prosphora (offering bread), which is used and “offered” during Divine Liturgy. The time varies due to need.

Prosphora bakers are treated to a pizza lunch made by Fr. John from left-over dough. His pizza varieties are always a delicious surprise!

The Samaritans meet the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for a Molieben service.

Currently, Brown bag lunches are prepared and delivered to St. Herman’s House. Everyone brings a meatless potluck dish for lunch.

The members did make quilt projects and delivered to Metro Health’s Childrens Ward; Cookies are prepared and delivered to the parish elderly during holidays and special occasions.

To learn more about the Archangel Michael Orthodox Church Scholarship Program, please CLICK HERE.

Chapter #4/6 of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America

The Cleveland “R Club meets several times throughout the year.

The F.O.C.A, (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America), which is an official national organization of the O.C.A. (Orthodox Church in America) was established in 1927 and provides fellowship opportunities for adult Orthodox Christians of all ages. Major events each year include the National Convention, National Bowling, Basketball and Golf Tournaments. This is an opportunity to travel and meet others within the Faith.

The mission of the F.O.C.A. is to proclaim, share, and reveal our Orthodox Christian Faith through service, fellowship, and example. Service projects include seminarian family assistance, youth ministry, and humanitarian aid. Fundraising drives include “Gifts of Love” for the seminarian children’s Christmas gift program, which provides a monetary gift for children at our four seminaries. The United Fund supports missions/outreach programs, Orthodox seminaries, scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study, as well as O.C.M.C. (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) missionary grants and O.C.A. youth ministry through an earmarked gift to F.O.S. (Fellowship of Orthodox Stewards). The F.O.C.A. coordinates a major effort to “adopt” seminarian families, working together with the seminaries.

For additional information about the F.O.C.A. visit its website @

Our “Stream Team” is comprised of dedicated parishioners who are trained to operate our Live Streaming audio and video equipment for various church services. 

As a vital supplement to the religious training and education that children receive in the home, St. Michael’s Sunday School provides formal classroom instruction on Orthodoxy, Christianity, and Moral Issues.

Classes are held every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. following Divine Liturgy (summer break from Memorial Day to Labor Day). Instruction begins at age 3 and continues through 9th grade. The classes are grouped by secular school grade level of the children to enable the students to progress at a common pace.

We are fortunate to have enough dedicated volunteer instructors so that most classes have only one grade level. Our current staff has devoted over 175 years of service to the religious education of the parish children.

In addition to classroom study, related crafts, projects, and charitable activities are organized. Each year the students participate in the annual Yolka, a Christmas program, which includes a parish family dinner and a visit from Santa.

The 55+ Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. The Club was organized in 1982 to provide opportunities for making life more interesting for senior citizens by bringing them together for friendship, mental stimulation, love of God, creative interest, and entertainment. Meetings include food, mild exercise, card games, singing, socializing, as well as presentations by guest speakers on a variety of topics.

Annual activities include a spring luncheon in May, August picnic at the Shanty, October potluck luncheon, Christmas party, and day-long trips. Annual dues are $10 per member and $2 at each attended meeting to cover the cost of the lunch.


Mailing Address

Archangel Michael Orthodox Church
5025 E. Mill Rd
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Email, Phone, and Fax

[email protected]
440-526-5192 (Phone)