Why do some Christian denominations promote singing, dancing, live music, light shows, etc. during their services? And, why are we taught differently?

First of all it is important to remember that the formula, method, and reasoning as to why we worship the way we do, has been handed down to us through millennia. The roots and template of our services can not only be traced back to the time of the Early Christians (i.e. the “New Testament Church”), but are also indicative of ancient Jewish practices which, were patterned after Scripture.

Many modern-day Christian denominations, however, have abandoned this age-old format in an attempt to somehow “re-invent” worship. Unfortunately, by doing so, they have often shifted the main focus of their services from being Theo-centric (“God centered”) to be far more “anthropocentric” (man centered). Hence, these so-called non-denominational mega-churches often utilize a vast array of entertainment and multi-media resources to replace actual worship. By way of example, instead of sweetly sung melodic hymns containing deeply-held theological truths, electric guitars and drums provide a hard-driving beat that exclaims, “God rocks!.” And instead of the sacrificial offerings of Bread and Wine, pure beeswax candles, and incense, these are replaced by colorful laser light shows, clowns, and interpretive dance.

Unfortunately, this later style of worship totally misses the mark of what worship was actually meant to be. Such modern interpretations are fully aimed at entertaining the masses and making people “feel good,” rather than elevating our spirits and lifting our hearts to God. In other words, modern worship practices are all about satisfying man’s need rather than offering sacrifice and glory to God.


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