Due to the Communist Revolution by the Bolshevik leaders, large groups of immigrants migrated from Russia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia and other Slavic lands shortly after the turn of the century. These immigrants poured into the Cleveland area looking for work in the steel mills, clothing factories and in a thriving coastal port. They brought with them their dreams, hopes, desire for freedom and a strong work ethic. All of this was coupled with their most prized possession – their Orthodox Christian Faith.
Settling on the East Side of Cleveland, these Slavs began attending St. John the Baptist Greek Catholic Church. St. Michael’s Church originated in the 1920’s, after the Orthodox people were banned from St. John the Baptist Church by a court order. For the first several months they would meet at either the YMCA or at St. Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Church on East 36th Street. Then, from 1922 until 1926 they were allowed to use a vacant building on the property of the old Second Presbyterian Church on East 30th Street.
In 1923 the Reverend Fr. Joseph Antonoff was assigned as rector of the newly organized St. Michael’s Russian Orthodox Church and a parcel of property was purchased at 10000 Union Avenue by the parish. Construction began on a Church which was completed in 1927. In December 1926, the Reverend Fr. Joseph Stephanko succeeded Fr. Antonoff and remained the pastor until 1933. The cornerstone was blessed on July 27, 1926 by Metropolitan Theophilus.