Vespers: Saturdays 5PM

Divine Liturgy: Sundays 9:30AM

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Sermon in a Nutshell

The Theme of Water

It is no coincidence that the Gospel lessons of last Sunday (paralytic at the Sheep Pool), today (Samaritan woman at the well), and next Sunday (Blind man washing in the Pool of Siloam) all contain the theme of water.

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Parish News

Neighbor’s Night Front Lawn Concert

Thursday, September 8, 2022 Help us celebrate Archangel Michael’s 100th anniversary Featuring OPUS216 Music starts at 6:00PM and will last for 90 minutes Pack your own picnic Beer & Wine

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Parish Directory
Parish News

It’s Directory Time!

To help unite our growing Archangel Michael church family, we will be partnering with Color Craft Studios to develop a pictorial directory as part of our 100th anniversary celebration. All

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