Why did the Magi bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child?

Besides their obvious intrinsic value, the gifts which the Magi presented to the Christ Child were both symbolic and prophetic in nature. Gold, being a very regal gift, is offered to Him Who one day would be proclaimed the “King of the Jews,” but more importantly is the King of this world and the world to come.

Frankincense was also a noble gift, but one that is closely connected to priestly worship. This, too, was prophetic in the fact that Christ is not only our High Priest, but also God; to Whom is due all glory, honor, and worship.

Myrrh, however, is a vastly different from the other two gifts and far more mysterious. Although it came from the same family of bush as frankincense, its resin was extremely bitter. And because it was routinely used in embalming, it was a strange gift to offer a newborn infant. Therefore it prophetically alluded to Christ as the “suffering servant” Isaiah depicted in chapter 53, as well as Jesus’ actual Passion and Crucifixion.


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