Weekly Bulletin

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Inside This Week's Bulletin...

Upcoming Schedules

Sep 3: David Visocky, Danny Reilly, Andrew Hanchuk, Nikolai Hanchuk, Thomas Visocky, Joseph Kormos, Jacob Kormos, Justin Kormos, Gavin Lynagh

Sep 10: Joseph Deyling, Lance Louie, Connor Noll, Michael Gaborick, Nicholas Gaydos, Joshua Gaydos, MJ Herzak, Andrew Kovalak, Charlie Herzak

Sep 17: John Kormos, Jacob Kormos, Sam Watts, Nicholas Watts, Nikolai Hanchuk, Andrew Hanchuk, David Visocky, Thomas Visocky

Sep 24: Silas Foster, Isaac Foster, Andrew Kovalak, Michael Gaborick, Danny Reilly, Nicholas Gaydos, Joshua Gaydos, Augustin Mindala

Oct 1: David Visocky, Thomas Visocky, Joseph Kormos, Jacob Kormos, Justin Kormos, Connor Noll, Andrew Hanchuk, Nikolai Hanchuk, Gavin Lynagh

Oct 8: Silas Foster, Issac Foster, Lance Louie, Michael Gaborick, Nicholas Gaydos, Nicholas Lucak, Joshua Gaydos, MJ Herzak, Augustin Mindala, Charlie Herzak

Oct 15: Joseph Deyling, Justin Kormos, Joseph Kormos, Jacob Kormos, Sam Watts, Nicholas Watts, Andrew Kovalak, Dannie Reilly, Gavin Lynagh

Oct 22: Michael Gaborick, Lance Louie, Andrew Kovalak, Connor Noll, John Kormos, Jacob Kormos, Danny Reilly, MJ Herzak, Charlie Herzak

Oct 29: Andrew Kovalak, Justin Kormos, Nicholas Lucak, Jacob Kormos, Joseph Kormos, Nicholas Gaydos, Joshua Gaydos, Joseph Deyling, Gavin Lynagh

Nov 5: Silas Foster, Issac Foster, David Visocky, Thomas Visocky, MJ Herzak, Andrew Kovalak, Danny Reilly, Charlie Herzak, Augustin Mindala

Nov 12: Sam Watts, Nicholas Watts, Andrew Hanchuk, Nikolai Hanchuk, Connor Noll, Nicholas Gaydos, Joshua Gaydos, Lance Louie, Michael Gaborick

Altar Boys are to be in Church 15 minutes prior to start of Services. If you cannot serve, please call Mr. Mindala: 330.338.3917 or find a substitute in your place.

Sep 3: Reader Michael
Sep 10: John Mindala II
Sep 17: Pat Hanchuk
Sep 24: Noah Klembara
Oct 1: Monica Visocky
Oct 8: Tim Klembara
Oct 15: Nick Kormos
Oct 22: Denise Louie
Oct 29: Judi Wienclaw
Nov 5: John Mindala, Sr.
Nov 12: Reader Michael
Nov 19: John Mindala II
Nov 26: Pat Hanchuk
Dec 3: Noah Klembara
Dec 10: Monica Visocky
Dec 17: Tim Klembara
Dec 24: Nick Kormos
Dec 31: Denise Louie

St. James Prayer List

“The prayer of the righteous has great power in its affects” (St. James 5:1)

Tap, or mouse-click, to open and close each accordion menu to see names.
Candles, 7-Day Vigils, Flowers
For The Health and Well-Being Of:
  • Babas and Dedos in Ukraine, by Steve Sekerak
  • John Cook (Traveling), by The Cook Family
  • Laurie Cook (Traveling), by The Cook Family
  • Tim & Lisa Hanchuk (20th Anniversary), by Pat Hanchuk
  • Annette Lapso (Health; 7-d), by The Lapso Family
  • Jean Mehalik (Health; 7-d)


For The Repose and Blessed Memory Of:
  • Andrew Longa (Newly Departed)



The Flowers on the Tetrapod are given in honor of Mat. Jani’s 60th Birthday by Fr. John and Family

Known To Be Hospitalized
  • Marie Bartlett – Parma Hospital /
  • UH Jean Mehalik – Akron General Hospital
Newly Departed
Newly Departed

Please remember in your prayers the newly departed servant Andrew Longa, who reposed in the Lord on June 27th, and was buried from the church on July 1st. Memory eternal!

Special Intentions
Special Intentions and Prayers
  • Archpriest Daniel Kovalak (Bob Kovalak’s brother)
  • Archpriest Myron Manzuk (Fr. John’s cousin)
  • Sandy Abraham (Mat. Jani’s cousin)
  • Mat. Anna Andrew (Fr. John’s cousin)
  • Jamie Arango (Friend of many FOCA members)
  • Bruce Baughman (Vivian Plaza’s father)
  • Denise Bittner (Mike & Pat Bittner’s daughter)
  • Sue Brown (Friend of Joanna Farragher)
  • William Cook (John Cook’s brother)
  • James Dimitrijevs (brother of Len Dimitrijevs)
  • Michelle Zdinak Frampton (friend of the parish)
  • Jasper France (friend of Joe & Cindy Toncic)
  • Debbie Geletka (Former Parishioner)
  • Maria Horbath (Terri Baranich’s friend)
  • Geraldine Irvin (Donna Tesar’s friend)
  • Kathy Jacob (friend of Kristen Dotson)
  • Philip Kall
  • Michelle Karnes (Friend of Tim & Paula Gaydos)
  • Marianne Kormos (Kathy Kovalak’s sister)
  • Mat. Myra Kovalak (Bob Kovalak’s sister-in-law)
  • John Kules (Friend of Kathy Kovalak) Mary McDaniels  (Fr. John’s cousin)
  • Judi Linden (Jackie Sipko’s neighbor)
  • John Memorich (Fr. John’s dad)
  • Jill Olecki (Sue Schlekie’s niece)
  • Bogdan Parojcic (Fr. John)
  • Mat. Theodora Ressetar (Former Parishioner)
  • Craig Richardson (Friend of Candace Ropchock)
  • June Sabo (Granddaughter of John & Jacque Sabo)
  • Julete Sabo (Granddaughter of John & Jacque Sabo)
  • Julina Sabo (Granddaughter of John & Jacque Sabo)
  • Joey Shaluha (Ed & Karen Visocky’s grandson)
  • Christopher Sipko (Jackie Sipko’s son)
  • Gail Smith (Sarah Mindala’s mother)
  • Tom Strongosky
  • George Takla (Friend of Joe Sentelik)
  • Terri Baranich
  • Joan Benny
  • Sandy Bohurjak
  • Andrew Buswell
  • Marianne Buswell
  • George Chernesky
  • Brett Deyling
  • Walter Dimitrijevs
  • Jane Fedohnk
  • John Gaborick
  • Robert Glosik
  • Andrew Hanchuk
  • Luke Hanchuk
  • Timothy Hanchuk
  • Thomas Herberth
  • Daniel Hornik
  • Anne Kallay
  • James Kormos
  • Kathleen Kormos
  • Margaret Kormos
  • Kathy Kovalak
  • Annette Lapso
  • Mary Jane Lucak
  • Robert Lucak
  • Sandy Mehalik
  • Alex Meklus
  • Alexandria Mikulicz
  • Carol Milla
  • Kristina Polcen
  • Candace Ropchock
  • Christia Schutt
  • Pat Sima
  • George Strongosky
  • Edward Visocky
  • Monica Visocky
Armed Forces
Serving in the Armed Forces
  • Jon Farragher (George & JoAnn Farragher’s son)
  • Richard Miller III (Friend of St. Vladimir’s Camp)
  • Nicholas Polcen (Parishioner)
  • Jacob Stankiewicz (Donna Tesar’s neighbor
Submit Names or Prayer Requests

Have your loved one(s) remembered or prayed for during the Liturgy by requesting Candles & Prayers. Each request includes a listing in the bulletin, the name read during the service and the specific candle you would like. A $3 candle burns during the service; a $15 7-Day candle burns all week. There are specialty candles as well (ie., Tetrapod Candles, High Place, Altar Table, etc.). Prices for those range from $20-$30. Call or email the church office to submit your request – or leave your request in the collection basket or at the candle desk. Payments can be made with PayPal. Call the church office with any question!

Health & Well-Being: Health * Birthdays * Anniversaries * Name Day * Traveling

Repose & Blessed Memory: Newly Departed * Death Anniversary * Birthday of the Departed


GENERAL FUND Collection for Sunday7/9/23Wk. T-D
PayPal / Pledge$100.00$100.00
PayPal / Candles$0$0
Candle Desk$155.00$324.00
Candles / Vigils - Prayers$145.00$193.00
Children's Offering$2.00$4.00
Loose Cash$24.00$44.00
Special Occasion$50.00$50.00
Other Income--
–Sunday School$100.00$100.00
Weekly INCOME$5,436.00$11,837.00
Weekly EXPENSE*$6,778.00$13,556.00
(UNDER) / OVER($1,342.00)($1,719.00)
–Grave Sales$0$4,000
Weekly Total Deposit to Special Funds$5.00$7,045.00



Is looking for additional hostesses to work at lunches, wedding receptions, dinners, etc. Please see either Kathy Mindala or Marge Dzmura; OR call Woodside at 440-526-9696 for more information.


Below are our upcoming sponsors for July thru December 2023. Thank you to those who have sponsored a coffee!

  • July – Senior “R” Club
  • August – Junior “R” Club
  • September – Samaritans
  • October – HALOS
  • November – Sunday School
  • December – BOT

There are a number of liturgical items needed to help replace those which are old and worn. We are looking at replacing some clergy vestments, altar boy robes, altar cloths, altar covers, as well as some new chalice sets and other liturgical pieces.

Over the years some of you mentioned that you had monies left over from relatives’ funerals that you wanted to purchase something for the church. However, at that time we didn’t need anything. Here is an opportunity to now use that money and donate in a loved one’s memory.

If you have existing funds that you wish to utilize, or if you simply wish to donate items yourself, or in memory of your family, please see Fr. John and let him know so that these new liturgical items may be purchased.


If anyone would like to volunteer at Zoe House, please contact Kathy Kovalak at 440-842-6639 or email – [email protected]. Most volunteers work one day a week for about 3 hours, but any amount of time you can give would be greatly appreciated.


The Video Streaming Team is looking to add a few more producers/operators to our regular rotation.

NO VIDEO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. Our entire team can train anyone who is interested – all ages are welcome! It would be great to have people who would be available to help with weekday funerals or weekday liturgies – as well as Vespers and Sunday Liturgies.

If interested, please contact Phil Tesar at 216.210.9825 or at [email protected]. A monthly signup has been created, and you are free to sign up for what fits your schedule. Thank you and hoping to hear from a few of you!


Do not forget that you can access our Church Directory on your mobile device! The instructions are at the back of your directory OR:

  • Schedule.mychurchdirectory.com/mobile

  • Church Name: Archangel Michael Orthodox Church

  • Username: 33579

  • Password: 42854

There are instructions to add the directory to iBook, also.


We will be forming a committee to work on a display of historic memorabilia in our library and church basement. This project not only includes display of information, but possible reorganization of storage areas including our basement and library. We need both, A Chairperson for this Committee, and volunteers. Please reach out to Darlene Dimitrijevs (216-346- 5741 / [email protected]) if you are interested in participating.

55+ Club

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 18th at 11 AM in the church basement.


St. Herman’s is currently flush with food items, BUT is in dire need of the following items, and can be left in the church vestibule:

  • 10-12 oz. Paper coffee cups (not styrofoam)

  • Powdered coffee creamer

  • Kool-Aid or Iced

  • Bottled Water Tea Drink Mix

  • Aluminum Foil

  • Plastic shopping bags

They also have an Amazon Wish List. Here is the link: https://a.co/d2ayNm3

Looking to submit something for our bulletin? Email the Parish Secretary at least one week before the Sunday to be published.

Mailing Address

Archangel Michael Orthodox Church
5025 E. Mill Rd
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Email, Phone, and Fax

[email protected]
440-526-5192 (Phone)