Fulfill Your Ministry (2nd Timothy 4:5)

In this morning’s epistle St. Paul offers some very sage and powerful wisdom…all contained within three simple words: “Fulfill your ministry.” This command to “fulfill your ministry” is both weighty and rewarding. Yet, to many people, the term ministry automatically translates into the pastoral responsibilities of ordained clergy: serving, preaching, teaching, evangelizing, visiting, counseling, and consoling. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Just as all who are baptized are part of the Christ’s Royal Priesthood (1st Peter 2:9), every practicing believer is called upon to minister after the pattern and example which Jesus set for us: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matt. 20:28). The Greek word for ministry is “diakonia,” which means to serve, but it also denotes the server’s faithfulness in attendance, attentiveness, anticipation, and zeal; service based upon serving God. The word “fulfill” means to bring to a completion or reality; to carry out a task, duty, or role as required, pledged, or expected. Therefore, fulfilling your ministry through service and sacrifice is a day-to-day responsibility initiated at baptism. It is our function and goal as members of Christ’s Body, as well as the most effective way to spread the Light, Word, and Love of Christ: serving God by ministering to mankind. As we embark upon this New Year, make every effort to fulfill your purpose in life by fulfilling your ministry as a vital member of Christ’s Holy Church.

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