The newer generations continued the work of their forefathers, paying off the church mortgage in 1981. We adopted the revised Julian calendar, which changed the way we celebrated Church feast days.
St. Michael’s Woodside Party Center broke ground in July, 1982. Mary Jane Lucak was employed as rental agent and Paul Gall as maintenance coordinator.
The Shanty was originally constructed as a metal storage pole barn, but Elmer Kormos suggested using part of it as a picnic shelter. Most of the interior was made from people’s discards. Elmer, Jim, and Don Kormos did the cutting and remodeling. Steve Kormos did the electricity. Ted Barniak made the lights. They cut out windows and doors from the metal structure. Don used the old storm windows from his house. Les Meczka donated an old door. The bar and serving counter were made using old formica tops from John Kormos’ employer. Mike Kolberg donated the longhorns he picked up in Texas. The Jedlickas gave the old seats from Jedlicka’s Shoe Store. Tim Glagola donated the pop coolers. Joe Sekerak, Les Meczka, Mike and Dan Kolberg also helped, and several men worked during the week. The Yurch Family donated money to purchase the large wagon wheel, which came from a Ponderosa restaurant. This certainly has proved to be a worthwhile project!