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If we are on vacation and wish to attend another Orthodox Church for Sunday services, is there anything special we should do?
If Great Lent is 40 days long for both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, why does our Lent begin on a Monday, and theirs on a Wednesday?
Why do we have a “Fast-free Week,” “Meat Fare Week,” and a “Cheese Fare Week.” prior to the start of Great Lent?
I understand why we fast on Fridays throughout the year, but why are we supposed to fast on Wednesdays also?
Why is the Book of Psalms so important?
Why do we commemorate the day of Christ’s circumcision?
Why on the Sunday before Christmas do we read all those names telling who was the father of who?
Why aren’t we supposed to have weddings on Saturdays? Wasn’t one recently performed on a Saturday?
What is the significance of the priest moving the cloth over the Gifts while the creed is being recited?
Why when we pray the Lord’s Prayer at St. Michael’s do we say “…deliver us from evil” and some other Orthodox parishes say “…deliver us from the evil one?” Is not the latter the proper way to end the Lord’s Prayer and who we want to be delivered from?

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