Why do we celebrate the Lord’s circumcision on January 1st?

Circumcision, meaning “to cut around” in Latin, is the surgical removal of the prepuce or foreskin from the penis. Mosaic Law prescribed that all newborn Hebrew males undergo this external procedure as a rite of entry into the Covenant that was forged between God and Abraham. It was a prerequisite in belonging to and being part of God’s chosen race as stated in the Book of Genesis: “Every male among you shall be circumcised” (Gen 17:12).

Per Old Testament custom, the circumcision of a newborn male took place upon the eighth day of birth. It was also during this ceremony that the newborn male received his name. Therefore, we celebrate the feast of our Lord’s circumcision upon the eighth day in recognition of His initiation into the Faith, the fulfillment of the Law, and Him being given the name Jesus – the Aramaic transliteration of Hebrew name Joshua, meaning “Savior.”


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