Why is it not appropriate to come to the Sacrament of Confession on Sunday mornings before Divine Liturgy?

Coming to Confession on Sunday morning prior to liturgy has never been the ideal
stressed for in the Orthodox Church. Unfortunately, in this country and in our time, we
have slowly eroded the practice of our Faith into little more than worshiping Christ at one
service a week; a type of Sunday obligation, as it were. Therefore, since this is the only
day most of us attend services, by concession, we have a natural desire to cram and fit
everything into it (Confession, Parastas, Moleiben) as a form of convenience.

Although the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) can theoretically be administered any
particular time of day or week, Holy Tradition teaches us that it is most effective when
practiced in conjunction with evening worship; especially upon the eve of a Eucharistic
celebration. By participating in Great Vespers – a service whose very theme centers on
the “Creation, Fall, and Redemption” of the world – our heart is allowed to be softened
by its prayers, Psalms, and other hymnography; thus making for a more heartfelt and
contrite confession experience. And by coming the evening before, more time and
attention can be afforded you by the priest – also making this sacrament a much more
conclusive and meaningful event. Therefore, Confession should not be looked upon
merely as something we simply try to fit in at the last minute and get through, rather it is
the extremely important and pious action which should be prepared and planned for well
in advance with great meditation.

On another level, coming to Confession on Sunday morning without a good reason (e.g.
you are unable to drive and/or must rely on others to bring you to church) is also a burden
upon the priest who is trying to prepare to serve liturgy. To put this into practical terms
you might more readily understand, it is akin to a child who brings you their clothing at
the last minute, just before you’re supposed to leave for a family wedding, and saying,
“Mom, can you sew on a button and press this for me?”


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