Fr. John, this really isn’t a question, but more of a comment: I started off the New Year by making a number of resolutions regarding my spiritual life. So far, I’m ashamed to say that everything has fallen apart. I just can not seem to develop good habits regarding spirituality.

First let me thank you for being so candid. It’s not easy to admit failure and it took a lot of courage for you to even attempt to make changes in your life. Secondly, let me assure you that you are definitely not alone. I’m certain that many people had high hopes for this New Year, but have undoubtedly fallen well short of their goals. As Somerset Maugham so aptly wrote, “The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones.”

My only answer/advice to you would be this: First, don’t feel bad. Don’t give up or slump into depression because you failed. Each day offers new possibilities and a new opportunity to begin again. Secondly, don’t try to do too much or attempt to make such vast, sweeping changes, as this just sets the stage for failure. A few small, simple, well-chosen and manageable changes will be much easier to achieve. Then, once these are accomplished, you’ll have the much-needed momentum and enthusiasm to increase your efforts. And thirdly, remember that nothing can be done without God’s help. Therefore, make sure that you pray and ask God for the guidance and power to make necessary changes in your life, because it is only with God that all things become possible! (St. Matt. 19:26)


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