The name Jesus is an English/Latin/Greek transliteration of the Aramaic/Hebrew name “Joshua.” The historical progression of how this name was altered via those who translated Holy Scripture is depicted below:
YEH SHUA – (the Hebrew form of Joshua – meaning “Jehovah is salvation”)
YEH SHU – The “A” is dropped because there is no Greek character for the Hebrew letter “Ayin.”
YEH SOU – The “SH” is dropped because there is no Greek character for the Hebrew letter “Shin”
IE SOU – The Hebrew “Yeh” is replaced by its Greek equivalent “IE”
IE SOUS – The “S” is added in Greek as a nominative case ending which, indicates that the word is a name.
IE SUS – The “O” is dropped in English translations as found in the original King James Bible translation (1611 AD)
JE SUS – The “J” replaces “I” in later English King James versions (1769 AD)