“How can we participate in Great Lent and spiritually profit from it?” Part 4

Over the last few weeks I have addressed the topics of fasting, prayer, and spiritual reading. As we now stand upon the very threshold of our Lenten Journey, let me remind one and all that the Lenten Season should also bring with it a change of life.

Every pious and devote follower must embark upon this journey in all manner of seriousness and with the firm intent of making a positive change in their lifestyle; enhancing their relationship with God and putting their way of life into alignment with Christ’s. Immediately this means that we should slow down and re-evaluate what we consider as being important and/or vital to our self. We need to put in as much quiet time, silence, contemplation, and meditation as possible. Radio, TV, movies, newspapers, social gatherings – all these things, however excellent and profitable in themselves, must be cut down to a real minimum. Not because they are bad, but because we have something “far more important” to do – and that “something” is impossible to achieve without a great degree of concentration and discipline. 

Because Jesus Christ told us that it is a “narrow path” which leads to the Kingdom of God, we must therefore constrict and focus our efforts to make our life as “narrow” as possible – cutting out all the frills and stripping away all we might otherwise consider indispensible.

This then will not only empty us of all undesirable excesses, but will enable us to fill up the void with God!


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