Why do people sometimes turn to follow the priest or deacon while he censes the interior of the church?

The answer to your question really lies within the reason why we do a censing of the church in the first place. Incense is offered as a sacrifice out of our love and respect to God. Painstakingly made from rare and exotic spices, essences, and oils, its beautiful fragrance reminds us that it is both the best that we have to offer, while its’ seen but unseen aroma represents the presence of the Holy Spirit within our midst.

Besides offering incense to God, we also offer incense to all of those who are created in His Image and Likeness – which is us. Therefore, as the clergy cense the icons of the saints upon our walls, they also turn to cense the “saints” who are in the pews; for we are all called upon to be saints (holy ones) of Christ’s Church.

Turning to follow the priest or deacon as they circumference the interior of the temple is not meant to pay homage to the man who swings the censer, but to participate with him in honoring those saints (icons) as he passes; inwardly acknowledging each for their zeal, commitment, and example.


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