What is Canon Law?

The term “canon” is derived from the Greek word canos. Originally, this word meant a straight rod or bar that one could use to draw a straight line – much like we would use a ruler to do so today. Eventually, this word evolved and came to metaphorically mean a standard by which other things ought to be measured. Therefore, in ecclesiastical language, the term “canon” was adopted to denote the books which the Church regarded as being true Holy Scripture (i.e. the Canon of Scripture) and Canon Law, then, refers to the body of ecclesiastical rules, laws, or regulations issued by the authority of the Church in matters of faith, morals, and discipline.

The Canons of the Church are mostly comprised of decisions made during the Seven Great Ecumenical Councils, local or extraordinary synod meetings, and various decrees by saintly hierarchs and bishops of the Church.


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