An age-old joke claims that you can make holy water simply by boiling the Hell out of it. Although this obviously isn’t part of the process, there is some truth behind that sentiment because, Holy Water is indeed water which has been purified and rendered incorrupt – though not from boiling, but through prayer. Holy Water is blessed water that is sanctified during a special prayer service, which invokes the Grace of the Holy Spirit to descend and transform it back to its original pristine state prior to the fall of Creation. In other words, it is not simply a matter of making “bad water good,” but rather, sanctifying this water so that its original nature, purpose, and function as a medium for communion with God is restored. Therefore, through this blessed water, Orthodox Christians are not only able to view water as the source of life, but that this Living Water flows directly from God: the True Source of Life. And although water may be used to wash and purify, true cleansing and purification again, proceed directly from God.
Holy Water may be used in a variety of ways: You can drink it when sick as a type of spiritual medicine. It can be used to fortify or strengthen ones faith. Holy Water may be used to anoint or bless one another. Clergy use it to bless and sanctify holy objects such as crosses, icons, medallions, etc, or to bless and re-sanctify the homes of parishioners. Every Orthodox Christian should keep and maintain a jar of Holy Water for their household.