Does it matter which translation of the Bible we read?

This is a very good question and, yes, it does matter which translation you read! As an Orthodox Christian, the ideal Bible translation would be the Orthodox Study Bible; especially with its many notations, explanations, and study aids which were designed to help us grow and mature in the Faith.

Perhaps the next best translation would be to use a Revised Standard Version of the Bible (RSV) because the language and sentence structures are quite readable and easy to understand. In fact, I still use my same faithful copy of the New Oxford Annotated Bible (which is also RSV) as I did in my seminary days.

In the end, however, one should read a translation of the Bible that they can fully understand, relate to, and be “comfortable” with. In other words, although the King James’ version was a venerable attempt at translating the Bible into English and had a major impact upon our world, it is now thought of as something of a cultural and literary artifact and difficult to read.


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