The use of bells is not only practical, but is also considered to be spiritual. Bells are sometimes referred to as “singing icons,” because they establish the acoustic space of an Orthodox temple just as painted icons and hymnography define its visual and noetic space, respectively.
We ring bells to summon the faithful to services, to express the triumphal joy of the Christian Church, and announce important moments during the services, both to those in church and to those who are not able to be physically present in the church, so that all may be united in prayer. Bells strengthen Christians in piety and faith by its sound, which Orthodox Christians believe is “alloyed with divine grace to disperse and destroy the forces of evil.” They also proclaim important events, such as the death of a member of the church; the arrival of an important person, such as the bishop or civil ruler; an emergency such as fire or flood; or victory in battle – as dramatically recreated in the triumphant conclusion of the 1812 Overture.