The Church: The Palace of God

In this morning’s gospel, when Philip introduces Nathaniel to Jesus, it is within this encounter that Nathanael exclaims, “You are the Son of God; the King of Israel!” (John 1:49) Therefore, if Christ is our “King,” then the Church is His “Palace;” and for the King of kings, this regal residence must be a royal setting worthy of God, with its architecture, decorations, and adornment all reflecting the glory, majesty, power, and authority of our Sovereign – as well as the value and “worth” we place upon Him.

A church is where we come to honor, worship, and experience God’s presence, and they are beautiful and ornate simply because we desire them to be; and we ensure this by the biblical principle of giving the absolute best of our resources to do so. Thus, a beautiful church is not simply a decoration, it is an offering unto the Lord. This is immediately witnessed by all who enter through these hallowed doors and experience that moment of awe and wonder.

Unlike other buildings, the intended purpose of a church goes well beyond a mere gathering site, nor were they envisioned to be non-descript, utilitarian auditoriums, but rather sacred spaces reflecting the very beauty and essence of God; specifically designed, designated, and dedicated as a place to honor and worship the Lord. Thus, churches are meant to be unique, holy, up-lifting, other-worldly; offering an earthly glimpse or foreshadowing of how God’s Kingdom is portrayed in Scripture.

It is true that God’s people are the “living stones” which make up His temple, but man – created by the Creator – fashioned in His “image and likeness,” has a propensity to also create; and like God, man strives to create that which is beautiful, because beauty is good and God-like.

Some might be tempted to ask: With so many poor people in the world, why do we build such marvelous edifices and adorn them so richly? This is indeed a valid and important question, and as in most cases, the answer comes to us directly from Holy Scripture.

First, we build churches because God ordained it. As the Divine Architect of Creation, God planed and set everything in motion. He designed and laid out the Garden of Eden. He intricately fabricated all living things – including man. He dictated exactly how Noah was to build the ark. He instructed the Hebrews in how to assemble the Tabernacle they worshiped in during their forty- year journey through the desert; and not only the structure, but also the materials to construct it, along with its interior appointments such as altars, candle stands, sacramental items, and vestments. This same precision and attention to detail carried over to Solomon’s construction of the Jerusalem Temple, which was also ornately decorated and palatial (1st Kings chapter 6).

Secondly, like the woman who broke open the jar of expensive ointment and poured it over Christ’s head before the Passion, Jesus acknowledged that she had done “a beautiful thing.” Although others criticized her for wasting such costly perfume (which could have been sold and the money used for the poor), Jesus responded by saying, “The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have Me” (Matthew 26:11). Therefore, this is not a choice between serving the poor and glorifying God. Christians are called upon to do both; and they do.

Studies consistently show that Christians give more to charity, volunteer more time, and go above and beyond with service to others, as compared to the general population. Therefore, it is ironic when secular society critiques Christians for creating beautiful spaces of worship, while these same critics selfishly spend lavishly on fleeting luxuries for themselves.

Thirdly, although we can never adequately achieve perfection due to the frailty of our sinful human nature, why shouldn’t we try to create beautiful churches when we make so many attempts to beautify other aspects of our lives?

We get expensive hairstyles, dyes, and cuts, manicures, pedicures, facials, wear make-up, adorn ourselves in fine clothing, shoes, and jewelry. We live in beautiful, palatial homes with far more square footage than we need – not to mention outside patios, decks, and well-groomed yards. We have nice, luxurious furniture, lavish flooring, state-of-the-art kitchens, the latest television sets, computers, and music systems. We collect “beautiful things” to adorn and fill our homes such as art, statuary, glassware, and such. We have beautiful cars – sometimes multiple cars!

Therefore, we do not construct and build beautiful churches out of pride, for the sake of boasting, to appear superior, or to showcase our propensity for fine things, we do so because beauty is a trait of God; a trait woven together with goodness and truth. Fyodor Dostoyevsky makes this point in his novel, The Idiot, when he wrote, “Beauty will save the world,” because it is forever linked to truth and goodness. Thus, all three of these elements serve to elevate and inspire – hopefully even attracting others who are seeking the sublime essence of God.

Sadly, many Protestants, non-denominational store front churches, and modern Mega-churches have opted out of this ancient, time-honored practice by building extremely austere or even ultra-utilitarian structures that resemble theaters. And although one can certainly pray in any place, it seems to me that these modern Christian denominations have forsaken beauty for the bland, and a longstanding, sacred tradition has gone by the wayside. Obviously, pride can be laced into artistry just as easily as into austerity, but with this modern penchant to move further away from the beautification of God’s House, I fear it is a clear case of the “bland leading the bland” away from the intrinsic beauty that ultimately helps lead one to God.


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