
The church calendar notes that on February 24 we celebrate the Feast of the “First & Second Finding of the Head of John the Baptist.” Why were there two findings of John’s head?
Can a priest be forced to reveal what is told to him during Confession?
Can you explain why the curtain in the temple was torn when Jesus died on the Cross?
Which is preferable to enhancing ones spiritual life: prayer or reading Scripture?
What does St. Paul mean by the expression “Greet one another with a holy kiss” (1st Cor.16:20). Are we supposed to kiss one another every time we meet?
Even though I try very hard not to, I often feel a need or desire to get back at those who hurt and/or slight me in some fashion. I realize this is not a true Christian mind-set yet, more often than not, I give in to the temptation to “get even;” sometimes by saying something hurtful directly to them, and sometimes by saying something damaging or unflattering about them to someone else. Please give me some guidance…what can I do?
“The Bible tells us to ‘beware of false prophets.’ What exactly is meant by “false prophets” and how would we know they are false?”
What are “sins of omission?”
In today’s day and age it seems that the Orthodox Christian Faith is the only church which actually challenges its faithful. Other denominations don’t go through the rigors of fasting, extra services, etc, so why should we?
I was reading my Bible and came upon this passage. “I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.” Can you explain this for me?

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