Social and Moral Issues

What is the Orthodox Church’s stance on same-sex marriages?
I have heard twice in the recent past where people have referred to Roman Catholics as not being Christians. How can this be? Here is one of the actual conversations. “What religion are you? I'm Catholic. Oh, I thought you were a Christian.”
What is the Orthodox Church’s position on autopsies?
What does the Orthodox Church teach about abortion?
Concerning the recent controversy regarding one of the Republican candidates for president, does the Orthodox Church regard Mormons as Christians?
What does the Orthodox Church say about organ donation?
What do you do when people criticize you for doing good works and helping others?
There is a new television reality show about a Mormon man who is married to four women. They back up their life-style Biblically claiming that historic figures from Scripture had more than one wife. For instance, Abraham had two wives and so did Jacob; and didn’t King David and Solomon have many wives? If the Church teaches that we are only to be married to one person, yet believe that the Bible is also divinely inspired and “true,” why did God allow those persons to have more than one wife?
Why does it say in the marriage service that a wife must be subject to her husband? Isn’t this a little old fashioned?
I realize it’s probably a defect in my character, but I still have trouble being charitable. Can you offer me any advice?

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Archangel Michael Orthodox Church
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Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

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