
“How can we participate in Great Lent and spiritually profit from it?” Part 1
Fr. John, great sermon on [January 23rd]! Please help us to become better givers.
What is the Antimension?
While on vacation, we once visited a Greek Orthodox Church which used an organ during liturgy. I thought that we were not supposed to use musical instrument such as organs or guitars during our worship service? But then again, when I read the Psalms, they often talk about the use of stringed instruments, cymbals, flutes, etc. Why don’t we use these as part of our worship, it’s in the Bible?
Why do I always feel so ashamed when I come to Confession?
What was the role of the priest during Old Testament times?
What can I do to make the Advent Season more relevant and improve my spiritual life?
What is a catechumen?
Why do we instinctively look “up” when we pray or think about God? Why does the priest say, “Let us lift up our hearts unto God” and then point upward to denote where Heaven is?
Church Attire
My wife and I will be visiting your church for “Friends and Family Day,” and would like to know what the appropriate attire is for the liturgy. Is formal clothing (suite and dress) typically worn?

Mailing Address

Archangel Michael Orthodox Church
5025 E. Mill Rd
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Email, Phone, and Fax

[email protected]
440-526-5192 (Phone)