Since we are standing on the verge of summer, this is a very good and timely question. First let me start by saying that when Orthodox Christians do go on vacation, it is important for them to not take a vacation from God, but to “keep the Sabbath” by attending services on Sunday if possible. If not, every effort should be made to pray together as a family and to read the appointed epistle and gospel lessons for that day.
If you are indeed able to attend another Orthodox Church (and you can easily find churches by searching the Internet or by asking your parish priest prior to your departure), it would be wise to call the priest of that parish in order to double check the service schedule and to inform him that you will be visiting. When you do, give him your name, the name of your home parish, and that of your priest. In addition, you may wish to inform him of your desire to receive Holy Communion and consult with him regarding any local practices a visitor should observe; remembering the adage, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
If there is no Orthodox Church near where you are vacationing, I would encourage you to consider attending a Roman Catholic Mass or to visit another such House of Worship where you will not only hear the Word of God, but witness how other Christian denominations conduct their worship services. This can oftentimes be very interesting and educational. However, it is important to remember that as an Orthodox Christian you should not receive Holy Communion outside of your Faith.