With all of today’s modern technology, why can’t priests simply hear confessions through electronic format, such as by telephone, e-mail, or the Internet?

Confessions over the telephone or via e-mail are not permitted by the Church because virtual reality is no substitute for the real presence of Jesus Christ. Just as the Prodigal Son physically returned and fell down before his father in order to ask for forgiveness, so too must we actually return to the church and humble ourselves before the Lord.

It must be remembered that every sacrament is an experience with the divine and a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the Holy Priesthood. Therefore, within the sacrament of confession our Lord is mystically present; listening to, accepting, and bestowing forgiveness and grace upon each sinner who truly repents of their sins and turns from their impure ways. Then, through the ordained priesthood, Christ reassures us with loving, healing words: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace and sin no more.” In addition, the penitent experiences Christ’s actual “touch” as the Father Confessor physically places his priestly stole upon the head of the penitent; reconciling and restoring him unto Communion by reciting the appropriate prayers of forgiveness and healing, and making the sign of the Cross upon the head with his hand.


Mailing Address

Archangel Michael Orthodox Church
5025 E. Mill Rd
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147

Email, Phone, and Fax

[email protected]
440-526-5192 (Phone)