Why are non-Orthodox Christians unable to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church?

According to the earliest teachings of the Church, the Eucharist (Holy Communion) can only be administered to those who are Baptized and Chrismated into the Faith. A second century writing known as the Didache instructed believers to “let no one eat or drink from your Eucharist except those who are baptized in the Lord’s Name.” In fact, so protective were the early Christians that, there were even restrictions implemented which prevented non-believers from entering churches or attending services.

Then why are those of other Christian denominations not allowed to receive? In the historic understanding of the Church, Holy Communion has always been understood as the goal, the climax and expression of our unity in Christ, the celebration of holding a common belief or “truth.” 

Since there are now over 25,000 denominations worldwide, almost each one has a differing view of God, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the relationship of the Holy Trinity. Therefore, the Orthodox Church does not consider it sufficient to simply express a belief in God, but more importantly a correct belief in order to be admitted to the sacrament.

(Note: by the term “correct” we mean the exact Faith as it has been handed down to us through time – unwavering, adulterated, and unchanged. Remember, many heretics believe in Jesus. Arius, the fourth century heretic, believed in Jesus. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons believe in Jesus. Hindus believe in Jesus. But none of these individuals or groups believes in the One Lord Jesus Christ known and proclaimed by the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. This is why we refer to ourselves as the Orthodox Church: ortho, meaning straight or correct; doxos, meaning worship or belief, i.e. “correct belief.”)

Therefore, the practice of restricting who, may or may not receive Holy Communion is not done for triumphalistic reasons (i.e. “we’re better than you”), but for the very important and theological reason of preserving the Truth. In doing so, we follow the most ancient practice of the Church and set forth by the Apostles.

Unfortunately, in our pluralistic American culture, many are tempted to object to anything that excludes others. We are often led to believe that all faiths are equal in their claims and that one denomination is as good as another to the average American (the so call, “I’m OK, you’re OK” syndrome). Yet, if someone started proclaiming that 2+2=5, would you say they’re correct simply because it’s their right to believe such? 

The Orthodox Church is NOT just one more Christian “denomination,” but the continuation of the actual original Church as was instituted by our Lord. We have remained unchanged and retained what Jesus Christ and the Fathers of the Church have given us. This Faith, this belief, and this doctrine are what we also celebrate and participate in as we receive Holy Communion.


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