“Why is it important to read Scripture?”

The study of Holy Scripture is essential to the success of our earthly Christian journey; so vital in fact that St. Epiphanius of Cyprus wrote, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is self-treason.” In other words, if we forsake the reading (study) of Scripture, we are actually planning our own spiritual demise! Therefore, at the very least, it is imperative that we read the appointed lessons and texts for the day.

On the church calendar you will find readings from the gospels and epistles for each day of the year. During Great Lent selections from the Old Testament Books of Genesis, Proverbs and Isaiah are read. Each day’s reading is usually short in length and does not take up much time, yet the spiritual benefit and wealth they contain is phenomenal! They can help us acquire spiritual understanding along many and varied dimensions.

It is also advisable to read a few Psalms each day; both in connection with your private rule of prayer (pravilo), and separately. Nowhere else can we find such a concentration of prayerfulness, repentance, and a thirst for God, than in the Psalter.

In addition to Holy Scripture, reading other religious books, such as the Lives of Saints, Church History, Orthodox Spirituality, or even the literary classics is also greatly encouraged. Spiritual gems such as “The Way of a Pilgrim” or Fr. Schmemann’s, “For the Life of the World,” are also wonderful reads; since these books take us from our daily life to a higher level of awareness and feed the soul.


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