In today’s homily, I want to talk about your contributions.

Don’t worry…I’m not going to scrutinize or judge your financial pledge to the parish; that offering is a gift between you and God.

What I do want to address is the part you play in this parish.

If you haven’t been on a job interview for a while, one of the leading questions today is, “What can you bring to the company?” In other words, what can you contribute to help that business succeed, prosper, and grow.

Now the Church is NOT a business, but we are charged with the responsibility to both, preserve and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the same can be said about us: what could, and what can we each do, to personally carry it forth and make an impact upon the world? And what can offer to our own parish community?

First and foremost, would be, “Live your Faith.” Practice your faith by enhancing spiritual growth and communion with God. Pray, fast, study scripture, read the lives of the saints, and know your Faith enough to share it with others.

Secondly, attend services…and not just Sunday liturgy. Try and come to as many services as possible: Vespers, Vigils, Moleibens, Akathists, Feast-day and Lenten Services. By attending more services, you show great humility, reverence, and thanksgiving to God. In addition to bolstering your own faith, you help to encourage others by your example.

Thirdly, be an active, participating member of this community. St. Michael’s is a large parish and it’s easy to hide amongst the ranks, simply coming and going. But get involved, volunteer, join some of the parish clubs and service organizations, offer your talents and abilities to the Church. Interact with one another – and not just your friends and relatives. Reach out and meet people you don’t know, introduce yourself, be hospitable and welcoming to all to enter our doors – especially new members and seekers!

There are numerous avenues in which your talents can be used to glorify God. If you have a knack for teaching, help teach Sunday School. If you are knowledgeable about computers and technology, why not join our communication committee. If you have a gift for organizing or administration, volunteer for parish council. If you are an engineer or craftsman, employ your skills at church. If you have a flair for writing, perhaps you could help write articles and items for the Archangel or design flyers for events. If you have a voice, and all of us do, why not allow it to sing praises unto God as part of our choir or be a reader.

Perhaps you feel you don’t have any special gifts to offer. Well, you can certainly visit parishioners in nursing facilities, brightening their day and making them feel connected. You could also help cook and serve meals at St. Hermon’s House of Hospitality, or volunteer at Zoe House. The only skill needed there is “love.”

All in all, there are many ways in which you can contribute to the success of this parish and make it prosper and grow. Thus, don’t just ask what your parish can do for you, but what you can do for the parish and the sake of Christ!


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