On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Houses of worship around the country and world began to shut their doors to large gatherings to prevent the spread of the virus.
In order to continue to serve the spiritual needs of our community, more than $35,000 was raised to install a six-camera system. Divine Liturgy, sermons and lectures were live-streamed through our website and social media channels. Confessions were held over the phone.
After several months, the church re-opened but with limited attendance through a sign-up method. Face masks were mandatory and social distancing was in effect. Multiple communion spoons were used to distribute the Eucharist for a period of time, as parishioners continued to worship again in-person and also watch online from their homes.
With our choir director Joachim Wyslutsky relocating, we hired Ben Wharton from Lorain to replace him. Additionally, we also welcomed our first female president in the history of our parish–Darlene Dimitrijevs.
Through the efforts of co-chairs Becky Tesar and Melissa Tesar, a 100th Anniversary Committee formed in 2021 to pave the way for celebrations throughout 2022. Coffee hours were sponsored by individual families and monthly memorial services were held for all of our parishioners who reposed during that given month. Lectures were offered, service and outreach continued and fun activities and events occurred. The weekend of November 4-6 was our official centennial celebration and we were blessed to have His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of All America and Canada and His Grace Bishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest as our honored guests.